Staying fit is bliss. Those who have been there know it and long to reach there once again. Unlike bodybuilding, staying fit does not require much effort on your part except for following several routine rituals. Also, there are several social advantages in staying as a fit body is more attractive. You have higher chances of growth in your career. Women are more attracted to men with fitter bodies. The list is nearly endless.

But why all these advantages accrue to fit people? The reason is simple, fitness gives shine to your skin, your release positive vibes, you are healthy and optimistic, more productive than otherwise, and so on.

But, is getting fit all just about losing weight? No it is not. It is more about disciplining your body and not getting followed by just its instincts. This does not mean that you have to be disciplinarian and withdraw from all sensual pleasures, in fact it means training your body to know when to indulge and when not to.

Yoga, the sure shot way to fitness!
Yoga is the sure shot way to staying fit with minimum exercise. It does not require jogging for miles or lifting weight. To stay fit, you just need to find a corner of your house or garden, and start practicing asanas (postures). A healthy body needs lungs with good capacity to hold oxygen, properly functioning brain cells, blood pressure under constant check, body free from ailments of constipation, migraine, sinus, headaches, relaxed muscles and so on.

To achieve these, Kapalbhati is one of the Yogas. Once you learn it, it does not require any assistance from beyond. You don’t have to wake up very early in the morning to practice it. Neither do you have to keep yourself off the tasty and delicious food you relish. Whatever you do, make sure you follow the simple routine of practicing Kapalbhati. There are more asanas including Bhastarika which addresses specific problems like asthma, tonsils, and curing migraine apart from several others.

Regular practicing yoga brings a glow on your face and makes you attractive.

Weight loss for men!
Men have a slight advantage over women when it comes to losing weight but there are still many challenges to overcome. You will still need to workout and that too with a well-structured diet and exercise plan. A fat body is going to work against you all along in your endeavour to lose the extra pounds. The fat itself will put up a huge resistance when you would try to get rid of it. Our body has the inherent ability to prepare for adverse situations. Fat is a source of energy and strategically, body won’t let it go. So if you plan of exercising and giving low calories to your body, the results won’t be overnight.

As soon as the body realizes that the food supply has been reduced it would begin storing fat. This could undermine the whole effort you are putting up. Since fat is a good source of energy your body instinctively hangs on to it. When you exercise, it would start to burn muscle while storing the evil itself. The body also slows down metabolism. You can call this state an emergency mode response since body considers these situations as threat to survival. Body can’t differentiate between wilful starvation and starving to death. So in both cases, it gives its natural response and this, defeats the very purpose of exercising and dieting.

After a few days of workout, the man aspiring to lose weight does not get desired results and quits the regimen. Since the body has already not build muscle infect burnt it, the metabolism slows down as well. It is noteworthy that muscles require more energy for survival than fat.

A few tips for quick weight loss!

  • Make goals regarding losing the weight. Follow it strictly.
  • Make sure goals are practicable. Consult a trainer if necessary.
  • Weigh yourself often, and if possible, daily!
  • Workout on a routine basis and if possible, daily.
  • Workout should be a balance of exercises.
  • Don’t be a couch potato!
  • Eat in bits and pieces! Make sure you eat before you get too hungry.
  • Consult a dietician!

Tell your friends and family about your goal so that you are under a constant reminder and peer pressure for achieving the goals.

For those of you who want to go for bodybuilding, you need to gain muscle and it can be done with training and working out hard.

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